Want to be an Officer?
On behalf of Kentucky DECA, congratulations on making this decision! Whether running for state or regional office, it is a big deal to take responsibility for one of these officer positions. We cannot wait to see what the office has in store for you and how you can make a DECA Difference with your role!
- 2024-25 Kentucky DECA Officers
Regional Office
State Office
Why did you run for office?
“I chose to run for state office to represent and serve the organization that had made an incredible impact on me. DECA has given me mentors, friendships, knowledge, and confidence that I am grateful for to this day.”
-Brooklyn Williams (2022-23 State President)​​
"I ran for state office because I saw being a DECA officer as a chance to work for more than just myself, but for a community of exceptional individuals. Being apart of DECA was without a doubt the highlight of my high school experience and I will be forever grateful for what Kentucky DECA has done for me!"
- Ana Muse (2023-24 State President)
“I decided to run for state office because of my deep love and passion for this organization. I’ve seen how it has impacted me, and I wanted to help others experience that as well. Kentucky DECA has provided me with countless opportunities, friends, and skills, and I want to make sure every member of our association has access to those same benefits.”
-Houston Porter (2024-25 State President)
“I ran for state office to show others around me that it was possible to achieve that position. A lot of my schools around me have a DECA but aren’t very active as a chapter, and I ran to show them you can come for a chapter that may not be active but still achieve whatever you, as a student, put your mind to. “
-Caedmon Case (2024-25 VP of Membership)
“I felt led to run for state office because of the people of Kentucky DECA. I wanted to not only meet them and build a relationship with them but help them grow into the best DECA version of themselves.”
-Livia Keith (2024-25 VP of Competition)
“I ran for state office to gain confidence in public speaking, make new friendships, gain experiences and leadership roles. I wanted to help make a difference and let everyone feel heard. “
-Chandlar Wilson (2024-25 VP of Public Relations)
“I ran for state office to prove to others that you can do anything you put your mind to! I also wanted to build new friendships and help others grow in many different ways.”
-Avery Wade (2024-25 VP of Communications)
“I ran for state because a girl I was running with said I would be good at it! I realized that I would be good at it and could help others be the best DECA member they could be!”
-Emilie Williams (2024-25 VP of Finance)